What should be paid attention to when the cold storage room is used again after being out of service for a long time
1. Check and test the performance of the cold storage to ensure safe operation.
2. Clean the cold storage.
3. Cooling requirements: The cooling rate should be reasonable. It is advisable to keep it at 8-10℃ every day, and keep it at 0℃ for a period of time.
4. Conduct cold storage air density and tightness tests. If problems are found to be dealt with quickly, the insulation and tightness requirements of the cold storage must be met.
5. Cold storage trial operation. Take a one-week cycle and try it out. No problem, you can use it officially!
In addition, the following 2 points should be paid attention to during the use of cold room:
1. The cold storage room temperature does not mean everything.
The important indicator of a cold storage is temperature, so the first important thing for many owners to build a cold storage is to lower the temperature. Seeing the falling temperature, the owner is satisfied, the construction party is happy, and everyone is happy that the temperature reaches the project qualification. What's more, the cold storage of thousands of square meters dropped to -18 degrees in one breath, never considering the feeling of the cold storage, let alone knowing the dangers and hazards, and there is no basic professional common sense. It is true that the temperature of the cold storage is an important indicator, but it is not the only indicator. In terms of temperature, there are also technical indicators such as the uniformity of the temperature in the cold storage, temperature fluctuations, the 24-hour cold storage temperature and the cooling rate. Temperature is just the tip of the iceberg floating on the sea. The real performance indicators are all underwater, such as: energy consumption, stability, service life, safety risks, etc. The invisible places are the most important difference between the quality and performance of cold storage.
2. Compressor is not equal to cold storage room
The most important thing in a cold room is the refrigeration system. The core of the refrigeration system is the compressor, so many people think that the compressor is equal to the cold storage, the quality of the compressor is equal to the quality of the cold storage, and the energy efficiency of the compressor is equal to the energy efficiency of the cold storage. Many cold storage investors only look at brands of compressors. As long as they use a certain well-known brand, they will feel at ease. The rest will be cheaper than the price. In fact, this is a big misunderstanding. The cold storage is a complicated systematic project, and the compressor is just an accessory. The five key links (design, material selection, construction, testing, and service) of the cold storage are indispensable. As the saying goes, "three parts and seven divisions of labor", no design or unreasonable design will make the later operating costs of the cold storage remain high. Improper selection of materials or unreasonable equipment selection will bury potential quality and safety hazards to the system. The construction quality standards and experienced construction team and the temporary patchwork of wild roads can be imagined. The quality of the project can be imagined. Needless to say, the inspection and service. , It is a powerful guarantee and supplement to the quality of the project. Therefore, the systematic engineering of cold storage should use systematic thinking to ensure the quality of the project. The compressor is not equal to the cold storage, nor can it represent the quality and performance of the cold storage.
Related products: medical cold storage room, meat cold storage room.